The Veteran

The Veteran

They have faithfully served

both near and far

in times of peace

and in time of war.

They’ve served on land,

the air and sea

and they’ve kept this nation

strong and free.


Now, some don’t bear

the wounds and scars,

while some wear the bronze

and silver stars.

Yet, they all deserve our thanks

you see,

for without them, God knows,

where we’d be!


Jack Downing

Nov. 2014

Copyright© Jack Downing, aka Jake All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted or disseminated in any manner without the expressed written consent of the author. JRD. 11/11/17

About poemsandponderings

Hearth and Health are wonderful things and if you're without either such sorrow that brings So I cannot express enough thanks to my Lord and to my family and friends for the support you afford! ~Jack Downing~
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4 Responses to The Veteran

  1. So so true. What a grateful tribute poem. Thank you, Jake.

  2. Thank you Audrey, so many have given so much to those who have no idea just how fortunate they truly are.

  3. Merry Christmas and productive New Year,

  4. I thank you sir and I pray for the same for you and all of your family and friends> Y prospero ano nuevo por todo

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