Sail Not On The Wisdom Of Youth


The age of infallibility
will pass as surely as do your teens
and whence upon that realization
will come the light of ways and means.
For without the forewarned future,
the history and the truth
all of your shining days of dreams
are just figments of your youth.
So listen to the aged, the old wise
and clever ones,
for ’tis they who’ve stood a fore the helm
and well know the ancient tidal runs.
So set sail on a life of peace and calm
but be prepared for weather afoul
and remember be wary of the mockingbird
and heed only the wizened grey owl!

Jack Downing
July 25, 2017

About poemsandponderings

Hearth and Health are wonderful things and if you're without either such sorrow that brings So I cannot express enough thanks to my Lord and to my family and friends for the support you afford! ~Jack Downing~
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11 Responses to Sail Not On The Wisdom Of Youth

  1. Denise Downing says:

    I miss your writing! You reach people you don’t even know you are touching. Love you

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Beth Ann says:

    Perfect advice. Are you the wizened grey owl? 🙂

  3. Welcome back, Jake. This poem seems more and more fitting for me as I age. Well written…

  4. That is how we get to be oldsters, I’d say. We outlive our own sense of superiority.

  5. Damn good writin’ my friend. Damn good.

  6. That brought a bright light to my day pal, thanks a lot!

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